Quiz Concorso VFP4 2023 Esercito, Marina, Aeronautica Militare

INGLESE - LIVELLO 1, Domande 681-690

L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

Quesiti Risposta Multipla

681. Il contrario di “sweet” č :
682. In my country you ... get married when you’re sixteen.
683. Gloria is a good dancer. She dances … .
684. The examination consists … two parts.
685. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. ... was in the streets, and ... was open.
686. He hadn’t … when I visited him at the hospital.
687. In Inglese formale, quando si fa una nuova conoscenza, come si risponde alla domanda “How do you do?”.
688. I would be … if you didn’t come tomorrow.
689. Aren’t you … before leaving?
690. My grandmother had left the door …, that’s why some thieves broke in.


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