Conoscenza lingua straniera INGLESE


17 - 1386 Choose the best word to complete this sentence: I really like ____ to foreign countries.
17 - 6917 Which number is written correctly?
17 - 7144 I tried to come, but I couldn't make it.
17 - 7557 In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist. On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't) but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight between selfproclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. If you "back someone" you.....
17 - 1725 Choose the best word to complete this sentence: I ____ haven't seen the film that won the Cannes Film Festival this year.
17 - 7046 How .... you are here?
17 - 7197 She felt ______________ when she first arrived because she had __________ to talk to.


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