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4376 "Buffalo Bill Cody was born on a farm in Scott county, Indiana, on 26th February 1846. In those days, life in the American West was a constant struggle for survival, and native Americans and white pioneers would fight to the death to protect their homes and their people. Clearly, young Bill was a tough boy, who knew what he was doing. Before the age of twenty, Bill left home and took a job with the Pony Express company, and very soon he became reputed as one of their best riders." Who was Buffalo Bill?
4312 Complete the sentence with the most correct and proper option. "Some actors are out of work for years before they finally... it".
4248 Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda Beekeeping is one of the oldest industries in existence, but it faces numerous threats. A number of tech firms hope to help the honey bee have a brighter future. Noah Wilson-Rich, chief scientific officer of US firm Best Bees Company, says it is distressing how many American honey bee colonies, or hives as they are otherwise known, die off every year. Hit by a deadly parasitic mite, pesticides and climate change, a survey showed that between April 2019 and 2020 43.7% of US hives were lost. His Boston firm installs hives on commercial and residential properties - everywhere from roof tops to back gardens. Its staff then use an advanced software system to monitor and record the health of all the bee colonies. The data is shared with researchers at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to help them better understand the plight of the insects. One firm also at the forefront of the honey bee industry is Irish business ApisProtect, which makes wireless in-hive sensors that collect and transmit data to a website-based "dashboard". "What we do is extract those raw data points and then use machine learning to convert that into useful information," says Chief Executive Fiona Edwards Murphy. "In a commercial operation only about 20% of hives at any given time need intervention. The problem is that beekeepers don't know which 20%. They literally go out and pick around a hive to see if it's the one they should be looking at. What we do is enable them to get a picture of what's happening in all their hives, spread across a large area, before they even leave their office in the morning. For commercial beekeepers, we see a 50% reduction in labour costs. That obviously has a huge impact on the business of beekeeping." An even more futuristic bee tech project is the pan European Hiveopolis scheme, which is studying the possibility of putting tiny "waggle dancing" robots inside hives to influence bee behaviour. The idea is that the robots will try to imitate how bees communicate using movement. And from that the hope is that the robots will be able to direct the worker bees to the best sources of nectar.
Read the extract taken from BBC News and then choose the correct op??on. What is the purpose of the article?
4425 Fill in the blank with the correct option: "It's not the job of a politician to do only those things _____ will be popular.".
4361 "The European Union (EU) is a group of 28 independent countries with over 500 million citizens, about 6% of the world's population, who speak 24 official languages. It is an intergovernmental and supranational organisation with some attributes that are associated with independent nations". According to the text, how many languages are spoken within the European Union?
4297 Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda
Over the years, the world has moved closer to achieving gender equality. In many places in the world, women are better represented in politics, economic opportunities are greater, and health care is better. However, the World Economic Forum estimates it will take another century before true gender equality becomes a reality. What drives the gap between genders? Here are some causes of gender inequality: Uneven access to educa??on Around the world, women still have less access to education than men. 1/4 of young women between 15-24 will not finish primary school. That group makes up 58% of people not completing that basic education. Of all the illiterate people in the world, 2/3 are women. When girls are not educated on the same level as boys, it has a huge effect on their future and the kinds of opportuni??es they'll have. Lack of employment equality Only 6 countries in the world give women the same legal work rights as men. In fact, most economies give women only 3/4 the rights of men. Studies show that if employment became a more even playing field, it has a posi??ve domino effect on other areas prone to gender inequality. Job segrega??on One of the causes for gender inequality within employment is the division of jobs. In most societies, there's an inherent belief that men are simply better suited to handle certain jobs. In most cases these are the better paid jobs. This discrimination results in lower income for women. Women also take on the primary responsibility for unpaid labor, so even as they participate in the paid workforce, they have extra work that never gets recognized financially. Lack of legal protec??ons According to research from the World Bank, over one billion women don't have legal protection against domestic sexual violence or domestic economic violence. Both have a significant impact on women's ability to thrive [1] and live in freedom. In many countries, there's also a lack of legal protections against harassment in the workplace, at school, and in public. These places become unsafe and without protection, women frequently have to make decisions that compromise and limit their goals. Lack of bodily autonomy Many women around the world do not have authority over their own bodies or when they become parents. Accessing birth control is frequently very difficult. According to the World Health Organization, over 200 million women who don't want to get pregnant do not use contraception. There are various reasons for this, such as a lack of options, limited access, and cultural/religious opposition. On a global scale, about 40% of pregnancies are not planned and while 50% of them do end in abortion, 38% result in births. These mothers often become financially dependent on another person or the state, losing their freedom. Poor medical care In addition to limited access to contracep??on, women overall receive lower-quality medical care than men. This is linked to other gender inequality reasons such as a lack of education and job opportunities, which results in more women in poverty. They are less likely [2] to be able to afford good healthcare. There's also been less research into diseases that affect women more than men, such as autoimmune disorders and chronic pain conditions. Many women also experience discrimination and dismissal from their doctors, broadening the gender gap in healthcare quality. Racism It would be impossible to talk about gender inequality without talking about racism. It affects what jobs women of color are able to get and how much they're paid, as well as how they are viewed by legal and healthcare systems. Gender inequality and racism have been closely-linked for a long time. According to Sally Kitch, a professor and author, European settlers in Virginia decided what work could be taxed based on the race of the woman performing the work. African women's work was "labor," so it was taxable, while work performed by English women was "domestic" and not taxable. The pay gaps between white women and women of color continues that legacy [3] of discrimination and contributes to gender inequality.
Read the passage. Then answer the question below The adverb "likely" [2] is close to:
4233 What is the best translation of: We are going jogging.
4410 Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda
The aviation industry is in crisis, there's a global push to cut carbon emissions, and many of us haven't stepped on a plane or hugged far-flung loved ones in more than a year. But now a fresh bunch of start-ups are working on supersonic and hypersonic projects. Last October frontrunner Boom Supersonic was the first to roll out an actual demonstrator aircraft, the XB1. "That barrier of ??me is what keeps us apart. We believe it's deeply important to break the time barrier, more so than the sound barrier", said Blake Scholl, Boom Supersonic founder and CEO. Designed to seat between 65 and 88 people, Overture will focus on over 500 primarily transoceanic routes that will benefit from the aircraft's Mach-2.2 speeds -- more than twice as fast as today's subsonic commercial jets. A journey from New York to London would take just three hours and 15 minutes while Los Angeles to Sydney would be cut down to eight and a half hours. Breaking the time barrier could be life-changing, says Scholl. "It changes where we can vacation, changes where we can do business, changes who you can fall in love with or you can be close to." Accessibility is key. His aim is that airlines will be able to set fares at a price point similar to business class -- unlike Concorde, which by the '90s was charging around $12,000 for a round trip, or $20,000 in today's money. "As things get back into growth mode," says Scholl, "There's an opportunity to build a new-generation fleet that's got supersonic baked into it. That actually makes it easier to adopt." Then there's the plane's lean 199 feet (60 meters) of supersvelte lines, with no space inside for those undesirable middle seats -- an advantage post-pandemic. "Supersonic's got some inherent advantages," says Scholl. "It's about the same form factor as a 757, so it fits in narrow-body gates, which actually causes airlines to really love it." Wide-body gates are at a premium in today's super-congested airports, so big fat airplanes can be hard to find space for -- but not so for a humble Boeing 757 or a Boom Overture. The major obstacle is that "beyond just accomplishing the speed, it generates a ferocious amount of heat. Any conventional engine that you put together would melt." What will be needed is further advances in material science -- and it's dependent on further invention or discovery. Interest in Boom's project has been high, the company says it currently has $6 billion in pre-orders of Overture aircraft.
Read the extract taken from CNN and then choose the correct option. What does ROLL OUT mean?
4346 Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda
WhatsApp has launched its first major privacyfocused advertising campaign in the UK. It follows a customer backlash against changes to its terms and conditions, announced earlier this year. The platform also said it is standing firm against pressure from governments, including the UK, to compromise on the way that it encrypts messages. Authorities should "demand more security" rather than less, WhatsApp boss Will Cathcart told the BBC. "The first step of keeping people safe is, you have to have strong security, and we think governments shouldn't be out there trying to encourage tech companies to offer weak security," he said. "They should be out there trying to encourage or even mandate that companies offer the strongest security possible." WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, which means messages can only be read on the device which sends one and the device which receives it. WhatsApp itself - and by default its parent company Facebook - cannot view or intercept them, and neither can law enforcement. Home Secretary Priti Patel has described the use of end-to-end encryption as "not acceptable" in the fight against the sharing of illegal content. WhatsApp is already blocked in mainland China, and it is suing the Indian government over new digital rules that will force it to violate its privacy protections. Around 400 million of its two billion global users are in India. While the firm cannot see the content of messages, it has developed other tools which help it block illegal material and widely-shared misinformation. In January, thousands of users threatened to leave WhatsApp, wrongly thinking it was going to start sharing messaging data with Facebook following an announcement about changes to its terms and conditions. Those who did not accept the update would begin to lose functionality, it said. Will Cathcart said the firm took responsibility for the "confusion" the announcement had created. "To reiterate, nothing about the privacy of people's personal conversations changed in our update," he said.
Read the extract taken from BBC News and then choose the correct option. Which sentence has the same meaning as 'Whatsapp is suing the Indian government over new digital rules'?
4282 Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda Scien??sts in Australia have classified a new species of dinosaur, discovered in 2007, as the largest ever found on the continent. The Australotitan cooperensis, or "the southern titan", is among the 15 largest dinosaurs found worldwide. Experts said the titanosaur would have been up to 6.5m (21ft) tall and 30m long, or "as long as a basketball court". Its skeleton was first discovered on a farm in south-west Queensland. Palaeontologists had worked over the past decade to identify the dinosaur - distinguishing it from other known species by comparing scans of its bones to those of other sauropods. Sauropods were plant-eating dinosaurs known for their size. They had small heads, very long necks, long tails and thick, pillar-like legs. The team of researchers had nicknamed the dinosaur Cooper while working on it, a??er the nearby Cooper Creek where it was found. The team found the Australotitan was closely related to three other sauropod species - the Wintonotitan, Diamantinasaurus and Savannasaurus. "It looks like Australia's largest dinosaurs were all part of one big happy family," said Dr Scott Hocknull, one of the lead researchers. "It's amazing to think from the first bones discovered by our son, the first digs with the Queensland Museum, through to the development of a not-for-profit museum that runs annual dinosaur digs, all have helped us to get to this point, it's a real privilege," Stuart Mackenzie said. The Queensland state government welcomed the classification on Tuesday- calling it a boon for local dinosaur discovery.
Read the extract taken from BBC News and then choose the correct option. What was the Australotitan cooperensis named after?


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