Concorso Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

575) Complete the following sentence: "We _____ the project a month ago, but we are still in the middle of it".
912) Complete the question. "Could you tell me ____".
206) Choose the best word to complete this sentence:" ___ people think so".
543) Complete the following sentence: "The initiative was successful ___ the shortage of funds".
880) Fill in the blank. "... did you say?
174) She can't play the piano! In fact, she's ....
511) Complete the following question: "Have you ever been to the USA?"
848) Choose the correct form. "I _____ studied physics if the teacher ____ interesting".
142) Complete the following sentence: I don't suppose I could have a glass of water, ______?
479) Complete the following sentence: "We are lighter on the moon because the gravity is ____" .

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