Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.677) The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "That guy thinks [to be more smart than] anyone else".
2.982) What ... ... ... at 10 o' clock last afternoon?
2.549) Fill in the blank. "I always go to the restaurant ... Saturdays".
2.854) Fill in the blank with the right word. "The ambulance disappeared ... the corner".
2.726) I’ve decided to go … the mountains for my holidays this year.
3.031) Fill in the blank. "I'm trying to understand ... he is saying".
2.598) Find the opposite meaning of the word "guilty".
2.903) You are lighter on the moon because the gravity is ......
2.775) Please, dad……… it's my best friend's birthday party!
3.080) Excuse me sir, …….. Me where the Big Ben is, please? It's my fiest time in London, you know.


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