Quiz Concorso per Dirigente Psicologo


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

183. She ate _______________ cookies as her sister did.
55. They have put _________ the meeting ___________ next week.
232. I'm really ____ on holiday this year.
104. Choose the correct preposition: (soffrire di) suffer.
281. How can we translate the following sentence: "É un libro molto buono ma non si è venduto bene perchè non si legge facilmente".
153. Complete the following sentences: "His ______ leave something to be desired"?
25. "Thank you very much indeed." "Don't ____.".
202. If only I ______ taller, life would be __________ easier.
74. Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. I felt let ___ when I didn't receive a birthday card from my parents, so I called them to ask the reason why they didn't contact me.
251. Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Arja comes from Helsinki, in Finland, so she's a ____.


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