Quiz Concorso per Dirigente Psicologo


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

85. Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: A human being is part of a ______, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space.
69. Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. Theo changes his mind very often, on Monday he wants to become a doctor and then on Tuesday he decides to study Art, I can't understand the reason why he is so ___ .
53. My sister is a litigator, which means she argues cases in __________________.
37. Complete the following sentences: "She was _______ in her character and breeding, which showed through her delicate speech and mannerisms".
21. A _____________ the wedding guests ___________ sitting and playing cards.
5. To ___________ it may concern, I hereby designate Mathilda Jones ________ my attorney.
292. My niece isn't old enough to play with a games console.
262. The best thing to do is to book in advance.
246. She works for a non-profit organization. She's in charge of ____________ funds.
230. If you ----------------------- hotel accommodation please don't hesitate to let us know.


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